Saturday, 10 March 2012

Day 4: Emotions & Faces

During today's workshop we used the theme of 'emotions and faces' to assist the young people in capturing self-portraits and characteristic photographs of one another.

We introduced the workshop theme by showing the boys a selection of images containing people exhibiting different facial expressions. They guessed the emotion of each photo in English. The purpose of this activity was to provide them with a range of ideas for their practical camera session.

The volunteers taught the young people how to use the self-timer setting on their camera's and introduced them to perspective; suggesting the boys take photographs from varying angles and positions.

We reviewed the participant's photographs at the end of the workshop and here are a few of their (and our!) favourites...

Gulshan acting angry! Photo by Kiran, 15.

'I like this picture because there is a boy who is having his hair pulled by another boy so he seems in pain. I like the expression on his face' by Gulshan, 17.

'I like this photo because there is a boy who is just waking up, he looks quite funny' by Shankar, 17.
'This boy is looking very happy', photo of Tulsi by Dilip, 17.
'Tired' by Dilip, 17.

'In this picture there is a boy who is thinking and I sneaked up on him to take this photo' photo of Ajay by Mangi, 15.

Kiran looking thoughtful. Photo by Mangi, 15.

Self-portrait by Kiran, 15.
It's amazing to see all of the young people really engaging in the project and the volunteers felt they saw many of the skills the boys have learnt so far coming together during this workshop.

Next workshop: Colour

Thank you for reading my blog and showing your support for Basti Ram. If you would like to know more about the work we do in India and the UK or how you can get involved please visit email or call our UK office on +44 (0) 7515 857 865


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